Data & Metadata

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Última actualización: 22/03/2023 09:32 am

Data & Metadata is an interdisciplinary journal on the areas of Computer Sciences that focuses on the management, analysis, and application of data and metadata. The journal's focus is on research and development of methodologies and techniques that enable the extraction of valuable information and decision making based on data. Additionally, the journal seeks to promote the use of bibliometrics for the analysis of scientific and academic production.


The Data & Metadata journal publishes original papers, reviews and other types of contributions that address a wide variety of topics related to data and metadata. Topics include, but are not limited to:

Título corto: Data Metadata
ISSN: 2953-4917
Institución: Fundación Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología
País: Argentina
Ciudad: Distrito Federal
Incluida desde: 2023-03-22
Teléfono: +5491162417396
Periodicidad: Continua
Tipo de revisión por pares: Doble
Tiempo promedio de evaluación: 4 semanas
Estilo de citación: Vancouver
Política de auto archivo: Azul